valorant crypto throwing

valorant crypto throwing

Valorant Crypto Throwing: The Ultimate Guide

Hello, readers! Are you ready to dive into the world of Valorant crypto throwing? In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the ins and outs of this trending topic, providing you with valuable insights and tips to elevate your gaming experience.

What Is Valorant Crypto Throwing?

Valorant crypto throwing refers to the malicious act of intentionally losing a game in Valorant by purposefully throwing the match. This is typically done by one or more players on a team who are motivated by financial gain or other personal motives. Crypto throwers may receive payment in cryptocurrency or other forms of compensation for their actions.

Why Is Valorant Crypto Throwing a Problem?

Crypto throwing is a severe problem that undermines the integrity of Valorant’s competitive environment. It can ruin the gaming experience for legitimate players, making it difficult to find fair and enjoyable matches. Additionally, it can discourage new players from joining the Valorant community, as they may be hesitant to invest time and effort in a game where outcomes can be manipulated.

How to Identify Valorant Crypto Throwers

Spotting crypto throwers can be challenging, but certain signs and behaviors can indicate their presence. Here are some red flags to watch out for:

Unusual Gameplay Patterns

  • Throwers may exhibit highly suspicious gameplay patterns, such as intentionally dying, refusing to cooperate with teammates, or using abilities in a way that benefits the opposing team.

Communication Anomalies

  • Crypto throwers may communicate with opposing players through in-game chat or external platforms, providing them with information or coordinating strategies to ensure a loss.

Pre-Match Irregularities

  • Be wary of players who join your team at the last minute or who are unwilling to share their Valorant profile or history. These individuals may be crypto throwers looking to exploit matchmaking algorithms.

How to Report Valorant Crypto Throwers

If you suspect that a player is involved in crypto throwing, it is important to report them to Riot Games. You can do this by:

  • Using the in-game reporting system
  • Submitting a support ticket on the Riot Games website
  • Contacting Riot Games customer support via social media

How to Avoid Valorant Crypto Throwing

While it is impossible to eliminate crypto throwing entirely, there are steps you can take to minimize your chances of encountering it:

Join a Valorant Clan or Community

  • By playing with like-minded individuals, you can create a more controlled environment and reduce the likelihood of encountering crypto throwers.

Use the Valorant Ranking System

  • The Valorant ranking system can help you find players of similar skill levels, reducing the chances of being matched with individuals who may be tempted to throw.

Be Aware of Suspicious Behavior

  • If you notice any of the red flags mentioned earlier, do not hesitate to report the player and leave the match.

Valorant Crypto Throwing Prevention Measures

Riot Games has implemented several measures to combat crypto throwing in Valorant:

  • Anti-cheat Software: Valorant’s Vanguard anti-cheat system monitors player behavior for suspicious activities and takes action against violators.
  • Reputation System: Players who are repeatedly reported for crypto throwing may face a lowered reputation score, making it more difficult for them to find matches.
  • Zero-tolerance Policy: Riot Games has a zero-tolerance policy for crypto throwing and other forms of cheating. Violators can be permanently banned from the game.

Penalities for Valorant Crypto Throwing

The consequences of being involved in crypto throwing in Valorant can be severe. Players may face:

  • Temporary or Permanent Ban: Riot Games may ban players who engage in crypto throwing for a specified period or permanently from the game.
  • Loss of Valorant Points (VP): Crypto throwers may lose their VP as a penalty, affecting their in-game purchases and progression.
  • Damage to Reputation: Engaging in crypto throwing can damage a player’s reputation within the Valorant community and make it difficult for them to find legitimate matches.


Crypto throwing is a serious issue that can negatively impact the Valorant experience for players. By understanding the problem, recognizing the signs of crypto throwers, and reporting them to Riot Games, you can help maintain the integrity and fairness of the game. Remember to stay informed about Riot Games’ anti-cheat measures and prevention strategies.

Don’t forget to check out our other articles for more Valorant-related tips and insights. Thank you for reading!

FAQ about Valorant Crypto Throwing

What is crypto throwing in Valorant?

Crypto throwing is a fraudulent practice in Valorant where players intentionally lose matches to earn cryptocurrency rewards.

How does crypto throwing work?

Players create multiple accounts and assemble teams to compete against each other. They then bet cryptocurrency on the matches and intentionally lose them to earn rewards.

Why do people crypto throw?

People crypto throw to earn cryptocurrency rewards without putting in any effort or skill.

Is crypto throwing illegal?

Crypto throwing violates Valorant’s Terms of Service and can result in account bans.

How can I report crypto throwers?

You can report crypto throwers by taking a screenshot of the match results and sending it to Valorant’s support team.

What are the consequences of crypto throwing?

Crypto throwers may face account bans, loss of rewards, and potential legal action.

How can I avoid playing against crypto throwers?

Be vigilant and report any suspicious activity to Valorant’s support team.

Why is crypto throwing a problem?

Crypto throwing undermines the integrity of the game, makes it difficult for legitimate players to compete fairly, and encourages fraud.

What is Valorant doing to combat crypto throwing?

Valorant is implementing anti-cheat measures, enforcing stricter penalties, and working with law enforcement to prosecute crypto throwers.

What can I do to help stop crypto throwing?

Report any suspicious activity, educate other players about the risks, and support initiatives that promote fair and ethical play.
