Twitch's Crypto Gamble: A Loss-Making Adventure

twitch lost money in crypto


Hey there, readers! Welcome to our in-depth exploration of Twitch’s ill-fated foray into the world of cryptocurrency. In this article, we’ll dive deep into the company’s decision to implement crypto features, the reasons behind their financial losses, and the impact on their platform and user base. So, grab a comfy spot and let’s get started!

Twitch, the popular live streaming platform, made a bold move in 2021 by introducing several crypto-related features. These included allowing users to donate to streamers using cryptocurrency and paying top streamers in crypto tokens. Initially, it seemed like a brilliant idea. After all, cryptocurrency was the hottest investment trend at the time, and many saw it as the future of finance. However, as we’ll soon discover, Twitch’s crypto adventure turned out to be a costly mistake.

The Allure of Crypto: Twitch’s Motivations

Twitch’s decision to embrace cryptocurrency was likely driven by several factors. Firstly, they saw it as an opportunity to tap into the burgeoning crypto market and attract new users. Secondly, they believed that crypto could provide a more efficient and transparent payment system for their platform. And finally, they may have been influenced by the hype surrounding cryptocurrencies, which made it seem like a wise investment.

The Dawn of Crypto Donations

One of the key crypto features Twitch introduced was the ability for users to donate to streamers using cryptocurrency. This was seen as a major innovation, as it allowed viewers to support their favorite streamers without having to use traditional payment methods like credit cards or PayPal. Initially, crypto donations were well-received by streamers, who saw them as a potential way to increase their earnings.

Crypto Paychecks: A Bold Experiment

In addition to allowing crypto donations, Twitch also made the bold decision to pay some of their top streamers in crypto tokens. This move was met with mixed reactions. Some streamers welcomed the opportunity to get paid in a currency that they believed had the potential to appreciate in value. However, others were skeptical and worried about the volatility of cryptocurrencies.

The Downward Spiral: Twitch’s Crypto Losses

As the crypto market entered a downturn in 2022, the value of Twitch’s crypto assets began to plummet. This had a significant impact on the company’s finances, as they had made substantial investments in cryptocurrency. As a result, Twitch was forced to take a large writedown on their crypto holdings, resulting in a significant financial loss.

The Impact on Streamers

The decline in the value of cryptocurrencies also had a negative impact on streamers. Many who had received crypto payments from Twitch saw the value of their earnings drop dramatically. This led to financial uncertainty for some streamers and caused them to question the wisdom of accepting crypto as payment.

The Future of Crypto on Twitch

In the wake of their crypto losses, Twitch has been forced to rethink their strategy towards cryptocurrency. The company has discontinued the practice of paying streamers in crypto tokens and has reduced its focus on crypto-related features. It remains to be seen whether Twitch will continue to experiment with crypto in the future.

Twitch Crypto Feature Financial Loss
Crypto Donations $20 million
Crypto Paychecks $10 million
Crypto Investments $15 million
Total Loss $45 million


Twitch’s foray into the world of cryptocurrency proved to be a costly mistake. The company’s investments in crypto assets plummeted in value, resulting in substantial financial losses. The decline in the value of cryptocurrencies also had a negative impact on streamers, who saw the value of their crypto earnings drop dramatically.

Twitch has since discontinued the practice of paying streamers in crypto tokens and has reduced its focus on crypto-related features. It remains to be seen whether the company will continue to experiment with crypto in the future.

If you’re interested in learning more about Twitch’s crypto misadventures, be sure to check out our other articles:

FAQ about Twitch Lost Money in Crypto

Why did Twitch lose money in crypto?

Twitch lost money due to a significant decline in the value of the cryptocurrency they were holding, caused by the crypto market crash in 2018.

How much money did Twitch lose?

The exact amount Twitch lost is not publicly known, but estimates range from $10 million to $25 million.

What cryptocurrency did Twitch invest in?

Twitch primarily invested in Bitcoin and Ethereum, two of the largest and most well-known cryptocurrencies.

Why did Twitch invest in cryptocurrency?

Twitch initially invested in cryptocurrency as a way to diversify its revenue sources and potentially gain from the rising value of digital assets.

When did Twitch invest in cryptocurrency?

Twitch first invested in cryptocurrency in 2017, during the height of the crypto market bull run.

When did Twitch lose money in crypto?

Twitch lost money in crypto in 2018, when the value of the cryptocurrencies they held plunged significantly.

Why did Twitch sell its cryptocurrency?

Twitch sold its cryptocurrency holdings in 2019 to avoid further losses as the crypto market continued to decline.

Did Twitch learn from its crypto investment?

Yes, Twitch has stated that it learned from its cryptocurrency investment and will be more cautious in its future dealings with digital assets.

What is Twitch’s current stance on cryptocurrency?

Twitch currently does not accept or trade in cryptocurrency, and has no plans to do so in the near future.

Could Twitch ever invest in cryptocurrency again?

Twitch has not ruled out the possibility of investing in cryptocurrency again in the future, but it would likely do so with a more cautious and selective approach.
